What is Consciousness Map?

It is a model of the inner world that will help you to understand your nature, your relationship to others and the world in general, and your relationship to God. Although the principles are universal in nature, they are expounded clearly and eloquently in Hindu scriptures (summarized excellently in Bhagavad Gita). This specific expression is based mainly on teachings of Sri Paramhansa Yogananda, a great spiritual master who lived in the early part of 20th century, mainly in USA, and widely known through his illustrious work: “Autobiography of a Yogi”.

"May the Consciousness Map help you explore the inner world and find the royal highway of intuition that leads to eternal happiness."

Guide to Consciousness Map

Click here for the Guide to Consciousness Map

(Contains: How to use, Visualization, Core Principles, Note on 3-D vs. 2-D diagrams, Acknowledgements)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Individuals with different Nature (2d-TF)

1 comment:

hari.d said...

Great representation Siva. This clearly shows me where I am and what all should I balance to be enlightened. Thanks for your efforts in this great help. Guru (PY) is the greatest master of all.